In 2005, Cindi McMenamin said, "You can be an instrument of God simply by speaking kind
words that build people up." Kindness has been described by many as the quality or state of
being friendly, generous, gentle, and considerate. In our contemporary society, we notice large amounts of conflict. Conflict occurs locally and globally without an ending in sight. The political cycle is underway, and differing opinions on a topic can lead to more strife. So many of us are stressed due to being overworked and overcaffeinated to the point that the soil of our hearts has been tilled for conflict and not kindness. Kindness is not something that we should commit to occasionally, but kindness is essential to being a good human. If we care about each other and our world, we will commit to practicing kindness this week.
Kindness should be received and given often.
Watchman Nee, in the book Changed into His Likeness, suggests that we must learn to value our fellow Christians and not engage in fault-finding or exposing their weaknesses. Each of us has flaws, so focusing on highlighting the faults or shortcomings of others is not always helpful. Paul says in Romans 3:23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard. This reveals many imperfections, but through Jesus Christ, God offers us kindness, and so should we offer kindness to others. We can give kindness to others by smiling and saying hello instead of acting as if some human beings are invisible. Kindness is shown by offering encouraging text messages or sending positive, impactful emails to lift the spirit of someone who needs it. Kindness is good but becomes even better when we share it with others.
Kindness is exhibiting patience.
Every person you encounter is fighting a battle or enduring some hardship you may not know. It may be rejection, unanswered prayer requests, or health challenges, and
this list is not exhaustive. Exhibiting patience can help in the development of others, and it helps point people to the love of Christ. Amy Nappa once said, "By showing love through acts of kindness, we can point people toward the God who is both kindness and love."
When we exhibit patience, we show people love while affirming their humanity. When we find it challenging to exhibit patience, we do well to think of our needs and imperfections. As we keep our shortcomings near us, we will constantly be reminded that we need kindness and that God and others must be patient with us!
Kindness is often what is missing, but it is desperately needed.
Conflict increases because two or more parties believe differently, and both desire to be heard. In a situation where differences are present, it doesn't always have to rise to the level of conflict if kindness is practiced. Kindness is a commitment to move with humility instead of alarming arrogance. Kindness seeks to understand instead of imposing one's viewpoint onto every situation. Practicing kindness is, in many ways, the missing ingredient that needs to be woven into the fabric of society. With kindness, our world can shift from fighting to
Will you commit to being a part of the solution by practicing kindness? Or will you choose to be more of the problem? I pray that we will choose kindness because it is desperately needed today!