I was once told that, above everything else, our most important job is to remain encouraged.
Sure, we can put on an artificial smile in public or hide by using uplifting language in text
messages. But how do we actually remain encouraged? We can experience moments of
happiness and moments of sadness, but we also feel moments of emotional pain. Is there a way that when life hurts, we can find some glimmer of hope that we can hold onto until life gets better? I believe there is. Consider these four ways to remain encouraged.
Feed your mind encouraging messages.
As many of us have been told, you are what you eat. We become what we feed our minds. Each day, begin to feed your mind encouraging messages. Don’t wait for life to hurt or for pain to be present. Try listening to uplifting podcasts like this one or try downloading the Bible app and reading scripture. A few of my favorite scriptures that keep
me encouraged are:
Psalm 34:4- I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.
Romans 15:13- May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength.
Feed your mind encouraging messages so that as challenges arise, you have a deep well of
encouragement to pull from instead of a small droplet.
Pray instead of idolizing your life or challenge.
Prayer is how we communicate with God. As we pray, we shift our attention from what is
challenging us to God, who can help us. When we neglect our prayer life, it is easy to fall into the trap of idolizing people, places, or problems in our lives. To make an idol out of something means to admire, revere, or love excessively. Sadly, many of us have a tendency to spend more time idolizing our lives and issues than depending on God to help us. George Herbert communicates the importance of prayer, saying that prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night. Prayer is not only where we bring our lists to God, but prayer is also where God speaks to us. As we explain our concerns and needs to God, God encourages us by listening and delivering instructions we can follow.
Praying to God reminds us that we are not alone, and this helps immensely to encourage our hearts.
Survey your connections.
Spend some time looking carefully and thoroughly at your connections. Are your connections uplifting you and encouraging you? When you have a bad day, do they surround you with positivity or negativity? Because what you consume and are connected to will influence you. As Friedrich Nietzsche once shared, invisible threads are the strongest ties. Our connections are powerful! Are your connections helping to encourage you? They really should be.
Remember, hugs go both ways!
Remember what’s important
Life is a gift, and it is never long enough. This means that every moment we receive from God is one that we should rejoice and make the most of. For every disappointment, if you think deeply, there is also a reason to be encouraged. For every moment of pain, there is also the truth that God has not erased his purpose in our lives. Remaining encouraged is a choice to depend on God, knowing that connections matter, praying more than we idolize, and consciously feeding our minds encouraging messages. Our most important job is to remain encouraged because so muchof our lives and those we hope to impact depend on it.
Be encouraged today!