In July, I took some time to rest. Truthfully, this is foreign to me because I usually rest
only when I’m exhausted or at night for five to six hours. But to say that I have had a
period of rest and relaxation that lasted longer than a week, this was a first. In this time of rest, I prayed, read, walked, relaxed, and spent some time in nature. Practicing rest taught me a few lessons that I hope will impact my life forever.
1. The Importance of Self-Care
Our physical and mental health is essential. We need rest for our bodies to recover and for us to destress from the busyness of life. Rest aids in reducing anxiety and helps us gain mental clarity. Inthe book Rest is Resistance, Tricia Hersey says, “You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.” Self-care doesn’t mean that we are selfish, but it means that we take time to rest, heal, relax, and grow so that as we serve others, we can to the best of our abilities instead of offering the residue from our cups. I now understand that my family deserves more than the residue, and so do I. Self-care is important.
2. Reflection and Personal Growth
Practicing self-awareness can only be done honestly and authentically when we rest. Without
rest, we will reflect on the harmful messages received from others or maintain a distorted view of ourselves. But as we rest, we gain mental clarity that helps us reflect authentically on who we are and where our growing edges are. Hersey says, “Treating each other and ourselves with care isn’t a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we’re going to thrive. Resting isn’t an afterthought, but a basic part of being human.” For us to grow, we must change the way we think about rest. We often say that we will rest once a task is done, or a goal is achieved. But we need to rest daily so that as we reflect on ourselves, we can do so with a growth mindset instead of assimilating to the frantic and often foolish pace of life.

3. Work-life Balance
During this period of rest, I learned that balance is significantly needed in my life. It is not wrong to work or to maintain many responsibilities, but we must also make time for our bodies and minds to rest. Hersey also says, “We must believe we are worthy of rest. We don’t have to earn it. It is our birthright. It is one of our most ancient and primal needs.” We often believe that we must always be on the go to achieve our desired goals. Yet many of us are doing nothing but running ourselves into the ground. Before this month, I was incredibly guilty of this imbalance as well. Now, I notice that quite often, the battles we are seeking to fight and the goals we are attempting to achieve must involve periods of rest for balance and rest for renewal.
4. Rediscovery of Joy and Passion
Periods of rest can help each of us rediscover our joy and passion that often gets pushed to the side. For me, I find joy working out, walking, and playing the baritone. Depending on the day, many of these activities get pushed to the side or kicked down the road for another day. In this time, I’ve asked myself the question, What makes you come alive? Taking time to answer this question led me to the passions of my life, such as spending time with friends and family, reading good books, watching good movies, traveling, learning, and new experiences. As we rest, we rediscover parts of ourselves that we haven’t seen in forever! Rest is essential, and my prayer for each of you is that as you rest, you find yourself in your truest form!
In conclusion, prioritizing rest and self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for personal and professional growth. By stepping away from the constant hustle, I've gained invaluable insights into the importance of balance, reflection, and rediscovering life's passions when uncertain. It's time to challenge the societal norm of relentless productivity and embrace the power of rest as a catalyst for transformation. Let's redefine success to include well-being and create a world where prioritizing self-care is as valued as achieving goals.