This year was one that I will never forget. This year, we settled into a new home, traveled to Africa for the first time, grew in many ways, and were surprised by others. In one year, much has changed for my family, but much has also changed about me. I’m more aware of my mental health and less concerned about pleasing everyone. I now understand that eating Chick-fil-A daily is not the best for my physical health. I have witnessed the truth and can attest that prayer changes things! As I embark on the blessing of another birthday and a new year, I want to highlight three significant lessons I have learned this year.
1. You are where you are supposed to be. Enjoy the moment.
I have suffered from the Fear of Missing Out for much of my life. I have often felt as if I was behind in life or if I made the wrong decisions and was being punished. However, this year taught me that everywhere I have been, I was supposed to be there to learn, grow, and experience that moment. I now understand that moments are not meant to be full of worry, but God gives us moments of life so they will be filled with enjoyment. This year, I breathed, matured, and began to trust God. I found meaning in the perspective and quote from C.S. Lewis, "I gave in and admitted that God was God."
2. Patience leads to promises being fulfilled.
Gandhi once said, "To lose patience is to lose the battle." This year, I have been faced with different challenges. I’ve faced the challenge of learning in a new context and being away from familiar things. I’ve faced the challenge of not being as consistent as I would like with my fitness. I’ve faced the challenge of not finishing my last degree as quickly as I wanted to. At first glance, I saw challenges, but my perspective has shifted to witnessing these instances as opportunities to develop patience. Patience is having confidence that in God’s timing, the promises that God has for you will eventually come. This year taught me that when the waiting period of life is longer than expected, I need to remember that God has not left me, nor will he ever leave me. Resting in God produces patience, which says to God, I trust that you are with me and that your promises will reach me eventually.
3. Don’t allow people to dictate your happiness.
This year, more than any other year, taught me that life is filled with reasons to be happy. We shouldn’t bypass moments of happiness. We should highlight these moments, write down these moments, and most of all, we should thank God for these moments. In this year, I’ve learned not to put my happiness on the back burner but to smile and appreciate life often. Everyone will have moments when they don’t fully understand or feel confused by what is happening. But in these moments, I’ve learned that we can’t use moments of confusion or challenge as a reason not to acknowledge our reasons for happiness. I have an attitude that says I smile when life gives me a reason to smile. When life gives me moments of happiness, I’m celebrating that because happiness is a gift from God. This year has taught me well. This year was different, and I look forward to the gift of a new year. I am grateful, thankful, and expectant.