Recently, I've learned that life can be overwhelming. Life can become more than busy. It can become downright unmanageable sometimes. We can feel more like jugglers than people because many tasks, circumstances, and outcomes are frequently up in the air. In our efforts to manage well, we frequently forfeit our tranquility, sleep, and important moments because we are preoccupied with what might happen in the future. Of course, we want to plan appropriately; yes, we want to be successful and always at our best. But we must face a challenging truth, and that is that we will never be perfect! We will experience the
rain of imperfection in our lives, and truthfully, we have to learn how to dance in the rain. And the only way we can continue to dance when rain arrives is to embrace a celebration lifestyle.
Learn to celebrate the small wins.
It's been said that when we fail to acknowledge and celebrate small victories, we get
discouraged, and the flame inside us starts to dwindle. Celebration is a practice that is often the missing element in our lives. We know how to get angry, and we often become sad, but pushed to the back is the practice of celebration. Louis L'Amour once said Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more. Sadly, there is no such thing as an overnight success. Success takes a journey filled with many experiences, some fantastic and others not so much. But if we learn to celebrate small wins daily, we become more energized to continue striving towards the goal instead of quitting. Celebration can lead to endurance, and with celebration, we remind ourselves that we can achieve our goals and that our obstacles are not all that life has to offer. We can begin celebrating small wins by asking questions such as When was I at my best today? What did I do well today? Where did I take a step towards my goals today? Answer these questions and celebrate the small wins.
Learn to celebrate and name moments.
I have learned to say, "This is a moment," when special moments occur.
Naming moments verbally helps me to celebrate what is happening or has happened
right then and there! We must learn to celebrate and name moments. There's no need to put off celebrating special moments in life. Kara Goucher once said, "Acknowledge all of your small victories. They will eventually add up to something great." By celebrating and naming moments, we acknowledge to others and ourselves that good things are happening to us and not just around us! As we embrace a celebration lifestyle, we realize that moments of difficulty are not reasons to overlook the evident goodness. Embracing a lifestyle of celebration, celebrating, and naming moments are intentional actions that breed thankfulness and encourage us to continue moving forward.
Learn to keep records of your reasons for celebrating.
Life has taught me that it is too late to plan when trouble or trials arise. For us to embrace a
lifestyle of celebration, we need to keep records of our reasons for celebrating that are easily
accessible. When reasons not to celebrate reveal themselves, we can counteract them with
encouragement from past celebratory reasons and experiences. Keeping records of our reasons to celebrate proves to us over and over that life is not all bad, and God is still with us! I'm convinced that we don't celebrate enough, and maybe if we start celebrating, we will see that life offers us glimmers of hope that we can hold onto. Let's embrace the missing element of our lives and learn to celebrate daily!